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Insurance company suggests older people should fill sandbags to try to prevent flooding … but there is another far easier and more effective way to stop floodwater

An alternative sandbag that’s space-saving to store yet quick and easy to deploy is helping to save elderly, frail, disabled and vulnerable people from the misery of flooding.

Many people now opt for FloodSax sandless sandbags as traditional sandbags are…

FloodSax alternative sandbags saving Americans millions of dollars in flood damage during a winter of storms

The USA is being hit hard with winter storms … but many people are not prepared for the flooding they cause.

A spate of severe snowstorms a few weeks ago have been followed by thunderstoms, torrential rain and even tornadoes…

Just one van easily transports FloodSax equivalent to 700 sandbags

This one van is transporting the equivalent to 700 traditional sandbags.

Yes, you read it correctly – 700.

It’s well known that old-style sandbags are very heavy and 700 sandbags, each weighing 20kg, would weigh in at an almighty 14,000kg…

Avoid the high cost of water damage insurance claims with FloodSax alternative sandbags

The typical insurance claim in the US for water damage is now more than $12,500 and accounts for a quarter of all home insurance claims.

The figures from the Insurance Information Institute have been highlighted by Forbes Advisor, the online…

Christmas certainly won’t be the most wonderful time of the year if you end up flooded

How about this for one of the world’s most practical Christmas gifts as they can save you an absolute fortune in flood damage along with preventing misery and trauma.

Having FloodSax alternative sandbags means you’re protected from the risk of…

Storms set to bring flooding misery to millions of Americans

Almost 100 million Americans are now facing severe weather including flash flooding as storms continue to sweep across the US.

Weather forecasters from AccuWeather say the severe weather will continue to hit much of the eastern two-thirds of the country…

Why every US home and business needs Floodsax to protect against the danger of flash floods

The US has suffered badly from flash flooding in recent weeks … and it’s only going to get worse.

President Joe Biden has just spoken out on the subject and although the talk this summer is about the excessive heat,…

Average water damage claim in US homes now $7,000 but you can save that with Floodsax which cost just a few dollars

Water damage inside homes and businesses in the USA is costing insurance companies $13bn a year … with the average claim around $7,000.

Water damage is the most common claim in the industry yet many Americans still don’t even have…

Why shopping malls and grocery stores are so vulnerable to flooding and many are turning to FloodSax alternative sandbags to help them deal with floods both indoors and out

Flash floods have been sweeping across the USA and alternative sandbag company FloodSax has seen a sudden upsurge in demand from shopping malls and grocery stores struggling to cope with flooding.

Many have flat roofs which makes them vulnerable to…

It’s almost a flood a day somewhere in America

California is hitting the headlines at the moment with a terrible risk of flooding after above average winter snows began to melt.

But the sad fact is that flooding is happening in American communities just about every day of the…

How FloodSax are way more versatile and multi-purpose than sandbags as they can soak up water INSIDE your home or business as well as keeping it out

When is a sandbag not just a sandbag … when it’s a FloodSax.

For this incredible invention now widely used in the USA can also be used to soak up leaks, spills, drips and floods INSIDE your home or business.

Traditional sandbags rot and fail to protect older person’s home from flooding but FloodSax alternative sandbags save the day

Traditional sandbags are likely to let you down in a flooding emergency which is just what happened to an older person.

She had a row of sandbags to try to divert water from pouring down her driveway and into her…

If you don’t have flood insurance make sure you protect your home or business with FloodSax alternative sandbags

Floods led to insurance claims in the US totalling $80 million in just 10 years … but many more Americans who weren’t insured lost everything.

The grim statistics from global research organisation the Swiss Re Institute reveals that the figures…

What are the reasons for flash flooding and why are flash floods so dangerous in the US?

The most lethal floods in the USA and worldwide are flash floods as they combine speed with and incredible destructive power.

We have seen flash floods in New York and Virginia this month causing millions of dollars damage but it…

Americans urged to be prepared with FloodSax alternative sandbags as NOAA predicts above average hurricane season for 2022

It looks like the US faces being battered by up to 20 hurricanes this year making it the 7th above-average hurricane season in a row.

The prediction comes from forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction…

Why FloodSax alternative sandbags are so much more environmentally friendly than traditional sandbags

FloodSax alternative sandbags are a far more environmentally-friendly way to stop flooding than traditional sandbags.

Here’s why.

FloodSax are around 96% biodegradable by weight and are known as sandless sandbags because, well, they don’t have any sand in them.


Why many Americans aren’t insured against flooding and don’t even realise it … but here’s an inexpensive way to protect you against floodwater

Flooding is happening in all 50 US states and even areas not deemed to be at high risk of flooding are now vulnerable.

Many Americans remain unaware their home or business insurance policy does NOT cover them for flooding caused…

How just one inch of floodwater can cause $25,000 damage to your home … but there is an inexpensive and really effective way to prevent it

Never underestimate the amount of damage even a small amount of water can do to American homes and businesses.

Many people don’t realise that just one inch (2.5cm) of water can leave you facing a huge repair bill running into…

Why most home insurance policies won’t cover Americans against hurricanes … or even wet weather that causes flooding

Many Americans are shocked to discover they can’t claim for flooding on their home insurance.

A film director has just discovered that his insurance was suddenly cancelled by his insurance company worried about high payouts in the wake of severe…

How this Christmas gift could save you a fortune … FloodSax alternative sandbags are versatile anti-flood products that protect your property both outdoors and inside

They are more than stocking fillers for Christmas 2021 and, hopefully, not your main present but FloodSax sandless sandbags may well be the ‘gift that keeps on giving.’

For if they keep floodwater out of your home or business they…

Why free sandbags are not the easiest way to protect your home or business from flooding while FloodSax alternative sandbags give you 24/7 protection

When severe bad weather, heavy rain and flooding is forecast some authorities in the US offer some kind of help with sandbags.

We say ‘some kind of help’ as it’s often not what you’d think it is. Indeed, many times…

Here’s just how many American homes and businesses are now at risk of flooding and how you can find out if yours is one of them

More than 12 million homes and one million commercial buildings in the US are now at risk of being badly damaged by flooding.

A new report also reveals that 25% of the country’s critical infrastructure – that’s 36,000 facilities including…

Federal government is badly underestimating the number of US homes facing a severe flood risk

Millions of homes in the USA are at a severe risk of flooding – way more than federal government estimates, a report has revealed.

And US homeowners now face £18.8 billion in flood damage every year with the figure set…

Why we need to make US cities more sponge-like and how we can do it to prevent catastrophic flooding in the future

People need to think ‘out of the box’ to protect major American cities like New York from catastrophic flooding and one way is to drastically change the city landscape.

The radical ideas have been published on a website called The…

Here's why droughts and wildfires are causing record-breaking flash flooding in Colorado

Colorado has seen a record number of flash flood warnings so far this year ironically partly caused by a high number of wildfires sparked by extreme droughts.

Although we are just nine months into the year, the number of flood…

How actress called Busy was incredibly busy trying to stop floodwater pouring into her New York home

An American actress came up with a highly unusual way to make her own ‘sandbags’ when her New York home was hit by Hurricane Ida.

Busy Philipps stuffed her collection of reusable MacGuyver canvas shopping bags with anything she could…

Flash flooding can hit EVERY US state and here’s why the American Red Cross say you must be prepared

The terrible flooding in parts of the USA from New York to New Orleans has shown that flash floods can happen anywhere and at any time.

Photos and videos from these two great cities show the horrendous power of water…

15 reasons why Americans use FloodSax® alternative sandbags rather than traditional sandbags

Flooding hits some part of the US every day and Americans have traditionally turned to sandbags to try to keep the floodwater out of their homes and businesses.

The damage caused by floodwater is huge with the National Flood Insurance…

The cities and areas most vulnerable to flooding in the USA and why they need flood protection so badly

The worst places for flooding in the USA have been revealed … and many of them have a lot of homes built on flood plains.

The figures drill right down into US cities to reveal those at most risk of…

Which are the wettest cities in the USA?

Many people ask which are the rainiest cities in the United States so here’s a list of the top 15 – or bottom 15 whichever way you look at it.

The USA is such a vast country somewhere is being…

25 ways FloodSax® sandless sandbags can prevent flooding in your home or business

FloodSax® alternative sandbags are so flexible they prevent flooding both outside homes and businesses and inside too where they absorb leaks and spills which traditional sandbags simply can’t do.

Although most people just think of traditional sandbags keeping floodwater out…

Why you may have trouble getting free sandbags in the US and how you can be prepared for flooding 24/7 with alternative sandbags

Some authorities in the USA provide free sandbags … but it can be a very erratic and unreliable service leaving many homes and businesses unprotected against flooding.

Tropical storm Eta has just hit the Florida coastline after leaving a deadly…

The USA Government’s radical plan for 1 million homes in flood-prone areas

The US has around one million homes in areas vulnerable to flooding and the US Government has come up with a radical flood protection plan to solve the problem.

If you want to see action on climate change to prevent…

Which are the 10 wettest states in the USA and why?

The United States is a country of weather extremes with some states far wetter than others but which are the rainiest states and why?

Well, the top 10 have been revealed by the website World Atlas with states people regard…

Why hurricanes are dumping far more rain on the USA than they did in the past

Hurricanes and tropical cyclones are moving more slowly than they did in the past and dumping massive amounts of rain as a result.

Scientists say climate change is to blame and a terrible example of the new slower storms was…

More than 2,500 FloodSax® sandless sandbags quickly deployed to divert fast flowing water

A pioneering sandless sandbag was used to help prevent massive flooding from a damaged American dam. The Oroville Dam in California was put under extreme pressure by record rainfall.

The dam reached maximum capacity but then the spillway began to…

Why flood risk maps in the United States may be out-of-date leaving millions unaware they’re at risk of flooding

Flood risk maps in the United States may be way out of date as climate change continues to put more and more homes and businesses at risk from flooding.

The concern has been raised by the American media including the…

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