How this Christmas gift could save you a fortune … FloodSax alternative sandbags are versatile anti-flood products that protect your property both outdoors and inside


They are more than stocking fillers for Christmas 2021 and, hopefully, not your main present but FloodSax sandless sandbags may well be the ‘gift that keeps on giving.’

For if they keep floodwater out of your home or business they will save you thousands of dollars in damage along with all the trauma, inconvenience and misery that entails.

Unlike traditional sandbags, FloodSax alternative sandbags are space-saving to store and quick and easy to deploy. Ironically, all you need to do is add water to make this product work to stop water. Bizarre, yes, but true and almost 3 million have been sold worldwide – many in the US - as they have proved themselves in action time and time again.

Here’s how they work. In their dry state FloodSax resemble large pillowcases and come vacuum-packed in handy-sized packs making them very easy to store yet can be quickly deployed by people in areas vulnerable to flooding.

When FloodSax come into contact with water they absorb 20 litres which transforms them from being as light as a pillowcase to being more effective than traditional sandbags in around 8 minutes. They can even be deployed by the elderly and people with mobility problems.

In short, FloodSax alternative sandbags are the ultimate practical Christmas gift. They come in packs of 5 complete with easy-to-carry handle and there are 20 in a box which just one person can easily carry.

FloodSax are a flexible, multi-purpose product as they are also ideal at soaking up leaks, drips, spills and floods in hard-to-reach places such as under dripping water pipes in homes and businesses. They will keep the damage in check until you can get a plumber there to sort the problem.

FloodSax managing director Richard Bailey said: “There may be more exciting Christmas presents around, but if the time comes when you need to deploy the FloodSax you’ll quickly discover you couldn’t have received a better present at Christmas 2021.”

More than 12 million homes and one million commercial buildings in the US are now at risk of being badly damaged by flooding.

The average flood claim payout from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 2019 was $52,000.

So, there’s still time before Christmas to get FloodSax … but act quickly as the big day will soon be here. If you get a flood it certainly won’t be the most wonderful time of the year.

For more information on FloodSax® in the USA phone 800 255 4208 extension 121 or email